Monday, June 1, 2009

Scripture Challenge - Time & Truth

I did my latest Scripture challenge layouts last night so I wanted to share them with you. I really love how they both turned out...

For the word Time, I used a very common verse, but one that should be remembered DAILY. God's timing is perfect...always. His plan for all of our lives is constant -- there are no mishaps in His eyes. If we believe that, we'll have no trouble trusting Him with everything...

For Truth, I actually found a verse I hadn't read before, but I really love what it says. "...all His work is done in truth." How awesome is that?! We can count on God for anything and everything and He will be there, on our side, showing us the right way to live our lives, in truth, without fear or doubt. That's a pretty amazing feeling...

I hope one of these might bless you today...I know they have me! :)